Snowed In for Christmas by Jaqueline Snowe
This was a three-star read for me. The majority of the conflict in this story was based on miscommunication and just a complete lack of communication, which is why I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked. Becca is the house mom for a sorority and Harrison is the football coach at the same college. They went on a date two years ago and Harrison said he’d call her but he never did. Now the students have left campus for the Christmas holiday and a blizzard is coming through. They both lose power and Harrison (being a good next-door neighbor) brings Becca to his house to ride out the storm.
If this same story happened with college students, I probably wouldn’t have been annoyed with it, but the heroine was in her late twenties and the hero was in his mid-thirties, so it was frustrating for them to flip flop back and forth in their own heads about how they felt and then just never directly communicate with one another. This was dual POV so you got to see them both do this. Also, the hero explicitly commented multiple times about how bad he was at communicating but then he was suddenly very articulate when it came to seducing Becca. And Becca kept saying how confident she was in quirkiness and she didn’t care what anyone thought about her but then two minutes later she was babbling nervously because she thought she said something wrong and was afraid Harrison thought she was weird.
I really loved the premise and I loved how Becca built Harrison’s confidence up with relating better to his athletes. I also loved the last 10% when he knew for sure what he wanted, but everything else in the story just didn’t work for me. I think it was meant to feel kind of angsty but it just felt immature instead.
I received this copy through NetGalley. This book releases on October 3rd.